Archive for the Humor Category

The dissonance of inherited traits

Posted in Articles, Essays, Fuckery, Genetical Theory of Natural Selection, Humor, Improbable Eugenics, Newspaper, Uncategorized, Unlinked, writing with tags on 2024-02-03 by Iskandar Sakut abn Mayu

The precession of simulacra carries out its prime directives to utterly conceal the order of sorcery that the would-be magickian finds readily evident in our societies. This order of sorcery is a regimen of semantic algebra where all human meaning is conjured artificially to appear as a reference to the (increasingly) hermetic truth.

Truth repeatedly re-invents itself for the benefit of the seeker.  

The denotations and symbolism of culture and media have constructed our perceived reality. These represent the acquired understanding by which humankind and our mutual hallucination of holographic existence are drop-shipped into the chronospatial vacuutinuum of our inestimably omnipresent multiverse. A multiverse that is full of dimensional anomalies, unequivocal paradoxes, and patent contradictions.

Many of these references were first outlined in Guy Debord’s 1967 Society of the Spectacle, where he posits, “All that once was directly lived has become mere representation.” Debord further opines that the narrative of interpersonal relationships can be understood as “the decline of being into having, and having into merely appearing.” According to Debord, this condition is the “historical moment at which the commodity completes its colonization of social life.

The idea of telegony goes back to Aristotle. It states that individuals can inherit traits from their fathers and other males previously known to their mothers. In other words, it was thought that paternity could be shared, and the effect seemed to support this notion, yet telegony was superseded by the rediscovery of Mendelian inheritance and the Boveri–Sutton chromosome theory of inheritance, which acted as a backdrop for classical genetics.

Then these ideas were combined with Darwin’s theory of natural selection in Ronald Fisher’s 1930 book The Genetical Theory of Natural Selection, putting evolution onto a mathematical footing and forming the basis for population genetics within the modern evolutionary synthesis of Darwin’s theory of evolution as well as Gregor Mendel’s ideas on heredity into a joint mathematical framework.

The womb is a miraculous melting pot of inherited traits and transmissible phantom accomplices who convene at the genetic level to form the basis of a new individual.

This made the impression that genetics was not a charter that would field many calculable, sequential avenues for manifesting the next progeny. It was a more complex and dynamic issue than it was initially perceived.

A General Announcement in class Z

Posted in Announcements, Fuckery, Humor, Pyromemetics, Uncategorized with tags , , , on 2023-09-25 by Iskandar Sakut abn Mayu

Z(enseider)Z Node Exchange and Regional Directory of Sponsors (N.E.R.D.S.) have set up a practitioner’s grid composed of our affiliate programs and sigil-trade partners whose unique backgrounds run the gamut from

  • traditional witchcraft to eclectic shamanry
  • spirit catalog-based high magery to afro-diasporic rootwork
  • astrotheocratic geomancing to chaoballistic psychoanutica
  • and far, far beyond

We’ve chosen the geographic locales of each practitioner carefully and weighed our options as far as coordinate-based sigilization and ley line interaction go, and we’ve settled on optimal energy arrays given the proximity to obelisk positioning with regard to our host latency.

Wherever we’ve sought to exploit our memeless human acquisitions for sport or other entertainment purposes, we’ve discovered that the legality of vessel-keeping is a consistently grey area for most law enforcement.

We figured we’d mention that since many of our detractors have a fondness for romanticizing the role that their city’s police play in response to Z(enseider)Z on their local club and underground art circuit.

Where one might witness other gatherings of memetic jester-hoods flat out petitioning their anti-social mania forums, such as Faecesbulk, for the latest occultural minutiae, Z(enseider)Z stands alone as one of few gatherings that hoist their own sails as it were with regard to initiating trends and sensing out the tidetable of whatever magickal currents are presently at play upon the greater contemporary macrophenomenal fieldface.

Liber Teth vel Lunos

Posted in Chaos, Humor, Illumination, Invocation, Magick, Parody, Ritual, writing with tags , on 2023-07-10 by Iskandar Sakut abn Mayu

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Premise #2

Posted in Cut-Ups, Enchantment, Humor, Sorcery with tags , , on 2019-12-12 by Iskandar Sakut abn Mayu

We call the following premise:
“vril-based ectenic phenomenization”

VI-{ 0-I. Tzh’in Seethers: vitriolic equivocation }-IV

The Zenwalker Seiderkin’s web-renowned magickal curriculum offers courses for every meme in your syndicate. And, regardless of any previous experiences with your run of the mill brick-and-mortar fraternal order, we at the Great Octarine Siblinghood of the Z.’. Z.’. wish to welcome the student of the syllabus and invite them to endure a few hours of overtime with the Great Slack.

As the great prophet of Zos vel Thanatos has queried and ratified:

“Am I your swineherd, though I shepherd unto goats? My pleasure does not obtain among vermin with vain ideas-with hopes and fears of absurd significance. Not yet am I overweary of myself. Not ye shall I palliate abomination, for in ye I behold your parents and the stigmata of foul feeding.”

This is doctrine within our hallowed halls. This is the dogma we sleep with under our pillows at night.

And, again, regardless of previous experience with the zealous initiations of magical organizations, we at the Illuminates of Zueselene will provide a safe environment with which to pursue one’s virtual temple floorplan and graffiti sigil designs by allowing the student of the syllabus access to tools that may:

  • *increase their lingual proficiency,
  • *expand their memory functions esp. retention and recall,
  • *accentuate their adroitness,
  • *intensify their hand-eye coordination,
  • *extend their anaerobic threshold, etc.

We offer courses in every model, every trad, and every phenoplex: ranging from the unadulterated medicine of non-syncretized mongoloid shamanry, to the mystery cults of lineage-derived caucasoid witchery, to the liturgical ashe of negroid babalawo-borne diaspora.


We are possessed of a general demeanor of leisurely levity with license to get lifted like elephantine lemmings loafing lazily or straight lollygagging in lackadaisical lechery.

So, we don’t want you to impress us with your accolades. So, please STFU and sit the fuck down with your grandstanding.

Just flex and profit. OK? OK.

Our training manual Liber ZZZ can sharpen your siddhis and level up your skillsets in sortilege and scrying, sigilcraft and other recombinant semiotic methodologies, as well as psychonautical excursions, psychedelic pathworking, and chemognostic illumination. We have deliberately not made this text public due to the volatile and incendiary nature of the material contained within.

Those who walk the poison path deal with death up close every time they further their experimental research. Every instance of ingestion is a rarified adventure.

Many of the patented applications of ecstatic consciousness which belong to the Zenwalker Seiderkin summonings exist within sympathetic grocery lists of symbological arcanum. These articles of fetishistic paraphilia will typically include the serendipitous sorceries of our pseudo-simian Siblinghood singing a senseless soliloquy of strategic folk magic, targeted ritual magick, and post-postmodern guerilla ontology.

Killswitch Effluvic Reservoir

Posted in Humor, Magick, merchandise, Psionics & Radionics with tags , , , on 2012-05-19 by Iskandar Sakut abn Mayu

We’ve been making some headway in the Chaosorcery department. Working packet in packet with a small research team from around the globe towards the elemental development and alchemical advancement of reverse engineered hand-held wetware devices for use in counter population brainwave manipulation. These puppies rival any improvisation that orgone technologies can muster.

Radionics and Psionics seem to pose the only viable threat to these hand-crafted devices and their sister beta test phase devices.

These and many other hand-crafted materials will be available soon through our brand spankin’ new catalog of ordinary merchandise and metaphysical supplies. Including CDs, apparel, and private personalized protocol keys that allow the would-be chaosorcer limited access to our Killswitch Effluvic Reservoir or K.E.R. for short. It represents a sort of pool of gnosis including both ecstatic (eckstasis) and inhibitory (katalepsis) modes of experiential catharsis.

Once a given individual gains access to the K.E.R. they are allowed to use it both ways like the slut that it is. What I mean is the would-be chaosorcerer can download as much free gnosis as he or she desires just so long as they put it back at a later date; preferably when the would-be chasorcerer’s Will has been sufficiently impressed upon the world surrounding them and their will aligns with their perception.

By the same token, the would-be chaosorcerer may upload gnosis of any manner of potency in order to up the ante a bit and challenge newcomers to advance their skills at achieving original gnostic states. While the would-be chaosorcerer may download a more massive payload at one time for use in more complex requests.

Nothing has Being hand of z0s Everything has Value

A brief moment of clarity

Posted in Humor, Magick, Psionics & Radionics with tags , , , , on 2011-12-25 by Iskandar Sakut abn Mayu

Just to let our readership know what we’ve been up to these past few months and what to expect in the near future…

Aside from dropping a new album this month named Those Outside with artwork for the album cover taken care of by one of our own, the illustrious Jesse Mead. A beast of a bad ass artist.

We’ve also made a debut on a site which is run by Jay Randall of Agoraphobic Nosebleed. He contacted us about including a few of our albums on his free download project site.

There wasn’t a question in our mind about unloading three of our past albums, namely Indecipher (which he was initially excited about), Xenopomorphic Pink Noise, and Pseudonyms For Somnambulance to the greater cause of more downloads and more exposure.

For those of you following our Reverb Nation page we’ve piqued at #8 in the ‘spiritual’ genre in the greater NY/NJ metro area. So if you know anyone on Reverb Nation please point them our way. We don’t ask that fans subscribe to our (non-existent) mailing list nor any other superfluousness. No bells or whistles, just fan us and maybe say something nice and we’ll gladly fan you back.

Nothing has Being hand of z0s Everything has Value

The Calling

Posted in Humor, Initiation, Magick, Satanism on 2011-06-07 by Iskandar Sakut abn Mayu

As Sr. adviser in charge of WannaZee candidacy initiatory rites it falls upon me to remind the general public about ZZ protocol. We here at node Z.’.Z.’. offer no promises nor pathways save for one (which does not apply to veteran meme-bearers): candidates must endeavor to build themselves up (physically, psychologically, and emotionally) in a visible manner which suits the Initiatory Aggregate who treat such matters as would the old, curmudgeonly muppets in the balcony.

We will prescribe no particular magickal formula to follow at this time. The candidate may pick from any mind-body discipline he or she deems worthy of further practice, but it must be a holistic practice balancing the Ego and the ID, the yin and the yang, the peanut butter and the jelly, the hot dog and the bun. No overnight Ipsissimus, please.

To enter the final stages of initiation, the candidate will have to privately commit every act on THE LIST which will be provided once the Initiatory Aggregate gives the go ahead. It is vital to the candidates progress that they commit every act on THE LIST no matter how trivial some of the requests may seem.

We will never ask you to do anything that is illegal or injurious to any living creature. Z(enseider)Z is all about having fun with magick and not taking it so seriously but with purposefulness behind it all. We renegade hedge mages would do well to focus on stretching the limits of the unremarkable, mundane, grey world through an alchemical process that turns your useless queen high into pocket aces and turns procrastination and laziness into creativity and productivity.

Satan works in mischievous weighs.

And we survive by uncertain means. Truly it is a blessing from below that our enchantments serve to push our motivational factor into high gear. Through a rigorous process of locating the coordinates, identifying the target, and activating deeply rooted genetic memory, the candidate is in essence hacking into an aetheric network. By this time initiates should be engaged in one or more of our daily practices which include sound concentration, sigil making, bi-location, some light necromancy, engaging in time spinning, cautious demonology, prolonged opioid binges, heated political debate with amorphous blob-gods from the Zeta Reticuli, or macaroni pictures before nap time.

“I’m thinking of a sort of group enchantment that causes us all to be way more productive, motivated and creative than we would normally be”   —Kara Rae Garland

Nothing has Being hand of z0s Everything has Value