Archive for the Uncategorized Category

The dissonance of inherited traits

Posted in Articles, Essays, Fuckery, Genetical Theory of Natural Selection, Humor, Improbable Eugenics, Newspaper, Uncategorized, Unlinked, writing with tags on 2024-02-03 by Iskandar Sakut abn Mayu

The precession of simulacra carries out its prime directives to utterly conceal the order of sorcery that the would-be magickian finds readily evident in our societies. This order of sorcery is a regimen of semantic algebra where all human meaning is conjured artificially to appear as a reference to the (increasingly) hermetic truth.

Truth repeatedly re-invents itself for the benefit of the seeker.  

The denotations and symbolism of culture and media have constructed our perceived reality. These represent the acquired understanding by which humankind and our mutual hallucination of holographic existence are drop-shipped into the chronospatial vacuutinuum of our inestimably omnipresent multiverse. A multiverse that is full of dimensional anomalies, unequivocal paradoxes, and patent contradictions.

Many of these references were first outlined in Guy Debord’s 1967 Society of the Spectacle, where he posits, “All that once was directly lived has become mere representation.” Debord further opines that the narrative of interpersonal relationships can be understood as “the decline of being into having, and having into merely appearing.” According to Debord, this condition is the “historical moment at which the commodity completes its colonization of social life.

The idea of telegony goes back to Aristotle. It states that individuals can inherit traits from their fathers and other males previously known to their mothers. In other words, it was thought that paternity could be shared, and the effect seemed to support this notion, yet telegony was superseded by the rediscovery of Mendelian inheritance and the Boveri–Sutton chromosome theory of inheritance, which acted as a backdrop for classical genetics.

Then these ideas were combined with Darwin’s theory of natural selection in Ronald Fisher’s 1930 book The Genetical Theory of Natural Selection, putting evolution onto a mathematical footing and forming the basis for population genetics within the modern evolutionary synthesis of Darwin’s theory of evolution as well as Gregor Mendel’s ideas on heredity into a joint mathematical framework.

The womb is a miraculous melting pot of inherited traits and transmissible phantom accomplices who convene at the genetic level to form the basis of a new individual.

This made the impression that genetics was not a charter that would field many calculable, sequential avenues for manifesting the next progeny. It was a more complex and dynamic issue than it was initially perceived.

The fabled lands of gold, silver, and platinum

Posted in Evocation, poetry (free verse), Shamanry, Uncategorized, Unlinked, writing on 2024-01-08 by Iskandar Sakut abn Mayu

Her graceful majesty. Keeps all of us contained in this safety net of azure seascapes and mountainous terrain. Silently swirling about 7 miles per second at the mercy of the sun’s gravitational pull. The moon has the same effect as us, spilling around our orbit like a super slow boomerang in some confounded parade with a tiresome gait.

I couldn’t express how much I love her. She is my mother and I adore her with the softest skin and the fairest of complexions.

Gentle in her every motion seemingly sparing the ants and the gnats and the bees should she crush them underfoot as it would upset her so.

Yet, mountains crash at her feet and she barely blinks an eye. What is this ambivalence? Can we as mortals cultivate it as our own cutthroat demeanor? I doubt it. We are such tender creatures. So taken aback by the tiniest paper cut. It doesn’t seem probable.

How did we get so desensitized? How did we lose touch with our pains and our agonies?

Nothing has Being hand of z0s Everything has Value

A General Announcement in class Z

Posted in Announcements, Fuckery, Humor, Pyromemetics, Uncategorized with tags , , , on 2023-09-25 by Iskandar Sakut abn Mayu

Z(enseider)Z Node Exchange and Regional Directory of Sponsors (N.E.R.D.S.) have set up a practitioner’s grid composed of our affiliate programs and sigil-trade partners whose unique backgrounds run the gamut from

  • traditional witchcraft to eclectic shamanry
  • spirit catalog-based high magery to afro-diasporic rootwork
  • astrotheocratic geomancing to chaoballistic psychoanutica
  • and far, far beyond

We’ve chosen the geographic locales of each practitioner carefully and weighed our options as far as coordinate-based sigilization and ley line interaction go, and we’ve settled on optimal energy arrays given the proximity to obelisk positioning with regard to our host latency.

Wherever we’ve sought to exploit our memeless human acquisitions for sport or other entertainment purposes, we’ve discovered that the legality of vessel-keeping is a consistently grey area for most law enforcement.

We figured we’d mention that since many of our detractors have a fondness for romanticizing the role that their city’s police play in response to Z(enseider)Z on their local club and underground art circuit.

Where one might witness other gatherings of memetic jester-hoods flat out petitioning their anti-social mania forums, such as Faecesbulk, for the latest occultural minutiae, Z(enseider)Z stands alone as one of few gatherings that hoist their own sails as it were with regard to initiating trends and sensing out the tidetable of whatever magickal currents are presently at play upon the greater contemporary macrophenomenal fieldface.

Legions Against the Heteropatriarchy

Posted in Cut-Ups, Illumination, Pyromemetics, Ritual, Servitors, Sorcery, Uncategorized, writing, Zentertainment, Zitruvzian Meme with tags , on 2023-07-23 by Iskandar Sakut abn Mayu

We are the meme-bearers and the makeshift magickers of the Theriomorphic current.

We are the manufacturers and maintainers of

Z(enseider)Z is a globally expanding multimedia collective that utilizes the Internet to maintain covenstead assemblies, which evoke psychical networks and occupy subsequent agreeance of manifestation objectives.

Z(enseider)Z seeks to inject occulture with an insular mainlined crusade against critical homogeneity

We are curators of the most bizarre fascinations imaginable and technicians of anomalous artifacts of sound installations while trying with ineffectual brawn to maneuver the hyper-variable domains nestled in ever-darkening pockets of our beloved packet-switching microverse.

Z(enseider)Z encompasses an aeonically-progressive, crypto-linguistic musickal outfit specializing in the fringe audioccultnik technologies that have proven themselves efficacious in the applications of pre-conscious hyper-suggestibility through a variety of modular platforms which include, but are not limited to:

  • Binaural Recording and Isochronic Tones
  • Pink Noise-Engineered Low-Frequency Aural Psychometry
  • Randomized Oscillation of Frequency Modulation
  • Attuned Brain-Wave Cycle Zoning in Diffuse or Dense Meditative Obligations
  • Gamma and Delta-Wave Choral Agitations and Metrical Breakdowns
  • Walls of Sound that Recreate Spatial Acoustic Presence and Embodiment
  • Synchromystical Bassquakes and Other Pelvis-Writhing Demonolatry

Z(enseider)Z has always sought to broaden our horizons. We don’t just make musick and art about magick, we make the pieces of composition themselves where we phenomenize our magick and also from whence we launch our magickal current.

Z(enseider)Z possesses a veritable arsenal of esoterroristic enchantments aimed at annihilating the persistent yet virulent Artificial Intelligence currently overseeing all renowned corporate autocracies in the developed world.

Z(enseider)Z encompasses a new aeon musickal outfit specializing in glyphic graffiti, guerilla gallybaggers, and handcrafted hammer-headed homunculuses.

Z(enseider)Z initially amassed its reputation by fashioning high-quality hex fetishes for high-paying financiers and the occasional crimelord. We are known for collaborating on exquisite corpses with fellow Heterodox Nercosorcerers.

Z(enseider)Z seeks unadulterated chemognostic illumination from a cornucopia of sources and samplings, as well as a bankroll of bags, bars, bundles, bottles, and bricks imported on-site for the discerning Psychedelic Chaos Satanist.

Z(enseider)Z continues to extemporaneously engineer epistemological ecstasies as well as anonymously anticipating ableist agonies.

A crucial premise profoundly needs to be expelled from the querulous sectors of magickal interest; otherwise, this aeon will succumb to the ravages of so-called low Chaoism or more to the point outright Superstition as it is called in more informal sectors of the occult.

Nothing has Being hand of z0s Everything has Value

Premise #1

Posted in Uncategorized on 2019-11-27 by Iskandar Sakut abn Mayu

We call the following premise:
“autochthonous hyper-frenetic ultracrepidarianism”

VI-{ 1-E. Xan Sithers: verifiable empathies }-IV

The communicable “spirit” (or attitude) of laughter intoxicates us at the most fundamental level with a subtle, yet dynamic tickle up the spine.

Our own sense of humor is derived from the undying comedic genius of acts such as Lenny Bruce, George Carlin, Bill Hicks, Red Foxx, and Richard Pryor (all of whom are halo-sporting, duly anointed saints within the Temple kNOwthing to name but a few of our postmortem allies.

These individuals lead us towards a greater overstanding of the widely misunderstood concept of “enlightenment” (the very definition of which implies that we make an effort to “lighten up” or not take life so seriously) which is a lot like common sense in that it is easily explained by almost everyone, but is rarely overstood or grokked never mind put into practice by very many people at all.

Many of the meme-bearers that belong to Z(enseider)Z core do not even have their own Faecesbulk profile or they may simply not bother to utilize social media for any purpose whatsoever.

Their disdain of, and absence from, this carousel of contemptuous camaraderie in no way precludes them from honorary meme-bearership amid our temple brothel environments and astral violence arenas.

These individuated personae have been hand-selected by the initiatory council of z0s q1a to surpass their probationary status by formally undertaking the Great Slack. Our curriculum represents an anagogic iteration of the Hero’s journey swaddled in the threadbare bathrobes of a Fool’s errand.

These meme-bearers remain deliberately hostile towards such vast social media empires as Faecesbulk for a myriad of reasons including, but not limited to:

*a refusal to provide Faecesbulk with personal information such as one’s phone number or government name because of some previously unsatisfactory experience with other corporate monstrosities online such as Google, Amazon, et al. and their subsidiary sister sites like YouTube, etc.

*a general mistrust of FB’s content management system’s proprietary implementations, their sloppy overhauling procedures, their increasingly impersonal privacy policy, the all-sweeping powers of their terms of service, their alleged collusion with Russian “advertising” campaigns, and the unnecessarily bloated software packages that their apps install on one’s device

*an ability to peer beneath the veneer of Maya inherent to Faecesbulk’s primary ruse, namely, its MK Ultra-style mind control initiative. This derelict directive is in coordinated collaboration with the Deep State as revealed in a declassified national security brief detailing these experiments (code-named “Come to DoDdy”) which was brought to our attention by an unnamed leak inside the project’s ground floor


Nothing has Being hand of z0s Everything has Value

About the following Premises

Posted in Uncategorized on 2019-11-26 by Iskandar Sakut abn Mayu

Buenos dias, wannazees and genitalmemes!

The Z(enseider)Z Node Exchange and Regional Directory of Sponsorship would like to make an important announcement regarding the psychick health of Internet’s psyber-citizenry. Wherever you travel you are going to run into different forms of linguistic virus that may take the shape of advertising or “art.”


The practices of advertising and art are often worlds apart; however, every once in awhile we find someone who can merge those two things seamlessly in their work as a spell against gossip, drama, small-mindedness, hypocrisy and fakeness. There is a sense of genuineness in their art, sincerity of purpose, and authentic experience.

Say it loud and proud: Make America Gehenna Again!


Nothing has Being hand of z0s Everything has Value

Why donate to Z(enseider)Z foundation?

Posted in Uncategorized on 2019-07-06 by Iskandar Sakut abn Mayu


Our Department of Peripheral Epiphenomenon, in collaboration with Z(enseider)Z foundation and IFLCM core, intend to use your gifted donations to set-up our LLC which in turn would intake monies from the online citizenry for our soft goods and clothing in order to facilitate:

  • maintenance of the disorganization’s website on the front end (copy writing, image branding, web design, seo), on the back end (server maintenance, hosting and registration, database auditing, code debugging, domain security), and on the journey towards reckless individuation from the ALL
  • compiling research necessary for the next jumbo-sized print issue of Z(enseider)Z Memetic Journal of Nescience and Dissection slated for publication when we reach some of our funding goals
  • recording of the next Z(enseider)Z LP to be released through Bandcamp in the coming months
  • furthering our Gematria of Nothing research tribute (referred to as Liber Infernus Enumera) in its construction as a user-friendly calculator and database which seconds as a repository of magickal, esoteric, and occult terminology as well as a dictionary of enumerations dealing with the Supreme Ma’athematics
  • continued experimentation with specific psi-sociological aspects of Zeememe clusterphilia and its effects on non-Zee meme-aliens
  • a recurrence of kNewzlog adviriitizements with content from all areas of Z(enseider)Z inner workings including album releases, page updates, ritual/ceremonial excursions, collaborative efforts, and the backdating of studious events so that a record of their phenomenizing remains long after us
  •  ensuring the future of esotechnological weaponry involved in the Original Zenseid psionic and radionic egregore projects which are aimed at demolishing the heteronormative dominance of patriarchal rule by installing agent saboteurs from our elite and select minority of psychedelic illuminates and then meeting the mob in the middle, as it were
  • implementing managerial humanpower such as time, and attention for the allcaps CHAOSMAGICK.1 FB group (and this includes a virtual habitat for the persistent, fastidious servitor known as T’Crely Sov Pndagbui

Your monies will go to benefit our magickal disorganization and bless us with the capacity to thrive in this troubled market and help to enable our familial disorder to evolve towards an Ideal Magickal Tribe.

And, in order to deliver our audience with unparalleled iterations of unadulterated Zentertainment (e.g. one-eyed paradigmal piracy with a polycarbonate peg-leg. Hard-lined ultra-radicalized Left-wing absurdists, and esoterroristic guerrilla memeticists) we have made it our duty to broadcast our abandonment of the falsehood of an idealistic utopia by overgiving the Great Slack.

We want to make art and in wanting to do so we must profit from it. It’s quite symbiotic yet cannibalistic.

Nothing has Being hand of z0s Everything has Value

An Account of Z.’. Z.’.

Posted in Uncategorized on 2019-01-11 by Iskandar Sakut abn Mayu


An Account of Z.’. Z.’.
sub figura XXXIII

Originally penned in the vernacular of his age by Mssr. Heyan Auringe, now updated and recast in the greater lexical arrangement of the Gematria of Nothing via modern parlance.

Z.’. Z.’.
Official publication in Class C
Issued by Disorder:
A. Solomon Yaking 5* = 6*
Tata Miguel Yagu 6* = 5*
Seidr A. S. Mason 7* = 4*
(also collectively known as I.N.I.N.I.)

It seems necessary, my dearest lovelies, to give you a clearer picture of the Hidden Inner Vehicle of Entaphiosis.

The Great Octarine Siblinghood of the Z.’. Z.’. is the chemognostically illuminated fountainhead of heretical religiosity and occultural nuances for the 21st century, whose meme-bearers are scattered throughout the Bardo Tellus Server, and whose destinies are unable to be dictated by the virulent AI currently overseeing all contemporary corporate autocracies in the developed world.

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Feedback wanted

Posted in Announcements, collaboration, Initiation, Linked, Uncategorized with tags , on 2016-08-13 by Iskandar Sakut abn Mayu

We at Z(enseider)Z encourage new meme-bearers in our extended IRL coven to take up their nightside studies in pursuit of their False Perception (which is the Zenwalker Seiderkin equivalent of the Thelemic concept for “True Will” in its antithetical apotheosis, as it were, since we do not believe there is one all pervading truth nor a single all defining destiny to which humankind is confined to carry out. Instead it is our belief that Nothing has Being and Everything has Value, which indicates that there is little to no substantial potency to be had in the print we read or the words we speak as we are creatures of karma (action/intent) and that every seemingly random event and encounter has the potential to be mutually beneficial to all parties involved), however, when we can we will assist these aspirants (ass pirates) by showcasing their talents upon our server for their own developmental illumination and personal amusement.

Here, we present to the denizens of the interweb and the blood God whom we honor, a cut-up rhapsody in the key of nine

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Aural Pleasure from Johan Ess

Posted in Linked, Music, Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , on 2013-06-08 by Iskandar Sakut abn Mayu

Enjoy this capricious alien synth ritual that Johan Ess captured the other night. Great for mutating your mutant glands!


Nothing has Being hand of z0s Everything has Value