Count Whore Cull Chore

2004-NOV-11 : When things go bad then the blues come out of each of us in turn and it is this instance that is no different with an album named after the café that was never meant to exist. We bring you Count Whore Cull Chore a mix of pulse-pounding power electronica movements, dark ambient, and the subtlest of samples imaginable ranging from here to mother Russia.

Yet another prime example of Junk & Jizz defining Garage Xeno in our private little genre-whore way. Mixed jam-sessions and beat mania recorded with one omni-directional mic sitting near the amps and the kit. The result is a kind of wall of sound (but not in a good way) that distorts everything from the toms to the cymbals to the high sibilants and explosive bone-rattling crashes that are never in tune and never played with the mechanical enthusiasm of the metronome unless the machine wins out.

We create our own timing because we have seen what a strict adherence to its opposite has wrought. Stress-filled anxiety and brain-wracking the likes of which even the Maquis DeSade must contend he has had enough while rolling over in his grave.

All Hail the Archetypal Theriomorph in the Lotus!

Nothing has Being hand of z0s Everything has Value

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