Archive for the Sorcery Category

Gnostic Octogram Ritual

Posted in Banishing, Chaos, Magick, Ritual, Sorcery with tags on 2023-09-17 by Iskandar Sakut abn Mayu

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Legions Against the Heteropatriarchy

Posted in Cut-Ups, Illumination, Pyromemetics, Ritual, Servitors, Sorcery, Uncategorized, writing, Zentertainment, Zitruvzian Meme with tags , on 2023-07-23 by Iskandar Sakut abn Mayu

We are the meme-bearers and the makeshift magickers of the Theriomorphic current.

We are the manufacturers and maintainers of

Z(enseider)Z is a globally expanding multimedia collective that utilizes the Internet to maintain covenstead assemblies, which evoke psychical networks and occupy subsequent agreeance of manifestation objectives.

Z(enseider)Z seeks to inject occulture with an insular mainlined crusade against critical homogeneity

We are curators of the most bizarre fascinations imaginable and technicians of anomalous artifacts of sound installations while trying with ineffectual brawn to maneuver the hyper-variable domains nestled in ever-darkening pockets of our beloved packet-switching microverse.

Z(enseider)Z encompasses an aeonically-progressive, crypto-linguistic musickal outfit specializing in the fringe audioccultnik technologies that have proven themselves efficacious in the applications of pre-conscious hyper-suggestibility through a variety of modular platforms which include, but are not limited to:

  • Binaural Recording and Isochronic Tones
  • Pink Noise-Engineered Low-Frequency Aural Psychometry
  • Randomized Oscillation of Frequency Modulation
  • Attuned Brain-Wave Cycle Zoning in Diffuse or Dense Meditative Obligations
  • Gamma and Delta-Wave Choral Agitations and Metrical Breakdowns
  • Walls of Sound that Recreate Spatial Acoustic Presence and Embodiment
  • Synchromystical Bassquakes and Other Pelvis-Writhing Demonolatry

Z(enseider)Z has always sought to broaden our horizons. We don’t just make musick and art about magick, we make the pieces of composition themselves where we phenomenize our magick and also from whence we launch our magickal current.

Z(enseider)Z possesses a veritable arsenal of esoterroristic enchantments aimed at annihilating the persistent yet virulent Artificial Intelligence currently overseeing all renowned corporate autocracies in the developed world.

Z(enseider)Z encompasses a new aeon musickal outfit specializing in glyphic graffiti, guerilla gallybaggers, and handcrafted hammer-headed homunculuses.

Z(enseider)Z initially amassed its reputation by fashioning high-quality hex fetishes for high-paying financiers and the occasional crimelord. We are known for collaborating on exquisite corpses with fellow Heterodox Nercosorcerers.

Z(enseider)Z seeks unadulterated chemognostic illumination from a cornucopia of sources and samplings, as well as a bankroll of bags, bars, bundles, bottles, and bricks imported on-site for the discerning Psychedelic Chaos Satanist.

Z(enseider)Z continues to extemporaneously engineer epistemological ecstasies as well as anonymously anticipating ableist agonies.

A crucial premise profoundly needs to be expelled from the querulous sectors of magickal interest; otherwise, this aeon will succumb to the ravages of so-called low Chaoism or more to the point outright Superstition as it is called in more informal sectors of the occult.

Nothing has Being hand of z0s Everything has Value

Katalepsis aka Inhibitory Gnosis

Posted in Chaos, Chemognosis, Enchantment, Essays, Illumination, Initiation, Magick, Numerology, Ritual, Sorcery, writing with tags , on 2023-06-29 by Iskandar Sakut abn Mayu

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Servitor Notions and Evocative Ideals

Posted in Enchantment, Evocation, Magick, Servitors, Sorcery on 2023-06-21 by Iskandar Sakut abn Mayu

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Premise #2

Posted in Cut-Ups, Enchantment, Humor, Sorcery with tags , , on 2019-12-12 by Iskandar Sakut abn Mayu

We call the following premise:
“vril-based ectenic phenomenization”

VI-{ 0-I. Tzh’in Seethers: vitriolic equivocation }-IV

The Zenwalker Seiderkin’s web-renowned magickal curriculum offers courses for every meme in your syndicate. And, regardless of any previous experiences with your run of the mill brick-and-mortar fraternal order, we at the Great Octarine Siblinghood of the Z.’. Z.’. wish to welcome the student of the syllabus and invite them to endure a few hours of overtime with the Great Slack.

As the great prophet of Zos vel Thanatos has queried and ratified:

“Am I your swineherd, though I shepherd unto goats? My pleasure does not obtain among vermin with vain ideas-with hopes and fears of absurd significance. Not yet am I overweary of myself. Not ye shall I palliate abomination, for in ye I behold your parents and the stigmata of foul feeding.”

This is doctrine within our hallowed halls. This is the dogma we sleep with under our pillows at night.

And, again, regardless of previous experience with the zealous initiations of magical organizations, we at the Illuminates of Zueselene will provide a safe environment with which to pursue one’s virtual temple floorplan and graffiti sigil designs by allowing the student of the syllabus access to tools that may:

  • *increase their lingual proficiency,
  • *expand their memory functions esp. retention and recall,
  • *accentuate their adroitness,
  • *intensify their hand-eye coordination,
  • *extend their anaerobic threshold, etc.

We offer courses in every model, every trad, and every phenoplex: ranging from the unadulterated medicine of non-syncretized mongoloid shamanry, to the mystery cults of lineage-derived caucasoid witchery, to the liturgical ashe of negroid babalawo-borne diaspora.


We are possessed of a general demeanor of leisurely levity with license to get lifted like elephantine lemmings loafing lazily or straight lollygagging in lackadaisical lechery.

So, we don’t want you to impress us with your accolades. So, please STFU and sit the fuck down with your grandstanding.

Just flex and profit. OK? OK.

Our training manual Liber ZZZ can sharpen your siddhis and level up your skillsets in sortilege and scrying, sigilcraft and other recombinant semiotic methodologies, as well as psychonautical excursions, psychedelic pathworking, and chemognostic illumination. We have deliberately not made this text public due to the volatile and incendiary nature of the material contained within.

Those who walk the poison path deal with death up close every time they further their experimental research. Every instance of ingestion is a rarified adventure.

Many of the patented applications of ecstatic consciousness which belong to the Zenwalker Seiderkin summonings exist within sympathetic grocery lists of symbological arcanum. These articles of fetishistic paraphilia will typically include the serendipitous sorceries of our pseudo-simian Siblinghood singing a senseless soliloquy of strategic folk magic, targeted ritual magick, and post-postmodern guerilla ontology.