Archive for z0s q1a inner workings

Gnostic Octogram Ritual

Posted in Banishing, Chaos, Magick, Ritual, Sorcery with tags on 2023-09-17 by Iskandar Sakut abn Mayu

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Liber Teth vel Lunos

Posted in Chaos, Humor, Illumination, Invocation, Magick, Parody, Ritual, writing with tags , on 2023-07-10 by Iskandar Sakut abn Mayu

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Pseudo-Kenobic Jar Spell

Posted in Chaos, Enchantment, Essays, Illumination, Initiation, Magick, Ritual, writing with tags , on 2023-06-29 by Iskandar Sakut abn Mayu

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Reverse Divination re: Sigil Creation

Posted in Divination, Enchantment, Essays, Illumination, Kabbalistic Endeavors, Magick, Ritual, Tarot, writing with tags , , on 2023-06-28 by Iskandar Sakut abn Mayu

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Premise #2

Posted in Cut-Ups, Enchantment, Humor, Sorcery with tags , , on 2019-12-12 by Iskandar Sakut abn Mayu

We call the following premise:
“vril-based ectenic phenomenization”

VI-{ 0-I. Tzh’in Seethers: vitriolic equivocation }-IV

The Zenwalker Seiderkin’s web-renowned magickal curriculum offers courses for every meme in your syndicate. And, regardless of any previous experiences with your run of the mill brick-and-mortar fraternal order, we at the Great Octarine Siblinghood of the Z.’. Z.’. wish to welcome the student of the syllabus and invite them to endure a few hours of overtime with the Great Slack.

As the great prophet of Zos vel Thanatos has queried and ratified:

“Am I your swineherd, though I shepherd unto goats? My pleasure does not obtain among vermin with vain ideas-with hopes and fears of absurd significance. Not yet am I overweary of myself. Not ye shall I palliate abomination, for in ye I behold your parents and the stigmata of foul feeding.”

This is doctrine within our hallowed halls. This is the dogma we sleep with under our pillows at night.

And, again, regardless of previous experience with the zealous initiations of magical organizations, we at the Illuminates of Zueselene will provide a safe environment with which to pursue one’s virtual temple floorplan and graffiti sigil designs by allowing the student of the syllabus access to tools that may:

  • *increase their lingual proficiency,
  • *expand their memory functions esp. retention and recall,
  • *accentuate their adroitness,
  • *intensify their hand-eye coordination,
  • *extend their anaerobic threshold, etc.

We offer courses in every model, every trad, and every phenoplex: ranging from the unadulterated medicine of non-syncretized mongoloid shamanry, to the mystery cults of lineage-derived caucasoid witchery, to the liturgical ashe of negroid babalawo-borne diaspora.


We are possessed of a general demeanor of leisurely levity with license to get lifted like elephantine lemmings loafing lazily or straight lollygagging in lackadaisical lechery.

So, we don’t want you to impress us with your accolades. So, please STFU and sit the fuck down with your grandstanding.

Just flex and profit. OK? OK.

Our training manual Liber ZZZ can sharpen your siddhis and level up your skillsets in sortilege and scrying, sigilcraft and other recombinant semiotic methodologies, as well as psychonautical excursions, psychedelic pathworking, and chemognostic illumination. We have deliberately not made this text public due to the volatile and incendiary nature of the material contained within.

Those who walk the poison path deal with death up close every time they further their experimental research. Every instance of ingestion is a rarified adventure.

Many of the patented applications of ecstatic consciousness which belong to the Zenwalker Seiderkin summonings exist within sympathetic grocery lists of symbological arcanum. These articles of fetishistic paraphilia will typically include the serendipitous sorceries of our pseudo-simian Siblinghood singing a senseless soliloquy of strategic folk magic, targeted ritual magick, and post-postmodern guerilla ontology.

Sacrilege an evening with Z(enseider)Z

Posted in Announcements, Books, Chaos, collaboration, Events, Music, Satanism, writing with tags , , , on 2019-09-20 by Iskandar Sakut abn Mayu in Reno, NV 2019 SEP 20

I took the trip from NJ to NV on September 19th with Nikari Z. on my arm and DJ Jay Eric of Outrun and Overmindworks rrrrrrocked the house. AJ gave her brief but to-the-point talk. And, look at what they gave me with my ginger ale. A serious jugular bursting wooden stake. But I can’t have a pocket knife or a vape? Dfuck TSA?

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The Psychedelichaosatanist Current

Posted in Announcements, Chaos, Chemognosis, collaboration, Enchantment, Initiation, Magick, merchandise, Music, Ritual, Satanism, Z(enseider)Z proclamations with tags , on 2019-08-04 by Iskandar Sakut abn Mayu

We at Z(enseider)Z would like to make a historic announcement …

Our sibling, AJ Olvera, has published her first book which very much deals with our beloved Theriomorphic current and we honor her amid our ranks as a pioneer of cultural mutineering and a trendsetter of ontological mercantilism.

To celebrate this splendid occasion, we’ve booked a venue and we’re holding an event in Reno this autumnal equinox September 21st 2019 at the Dead Ringer Analog bar.

This event will encompass and embody our 2019 Z(enseider)Z meat meet. Furthermore, one of the DJs of the evening belongs to the Z(enseider)Z inner circle namely, DJ Jay Eric Burkhart of Overmind Works, who will blow the doors off the joint with utmost certainty. This is not to be missed, folks.

Attend. Dance with us. Buy some gear.  Have a Drink or three. Partake of available sacraments. Sway, seethe, dance some more and leave. Or better yet stay. Then, go home and live your personal sovereignity and continue your fake, American charade of post-postmodern folkmagery in the domestic comforts of your ultrasurveilled privacy .

Nothing has Being hand of z0s Everything has Value

Early morning channeling

Posted in gematria, Kabbalistic Endeavors, Pyromemetics, writing, Z(enseider)Z proclamations with tags , , on 2016-08-13 by Iskandar Sakut abn Mayu

Cryptogematriac path function, as it is used in numerological encoding, causally relates to the arbitrary size of data strings applied to mapping mathematical algorithms in behavioral technologies such as genetic trait modification, advanced neuro-linguistic embedding, unidentifiable dream intrusions, or even the phenomenon quickly gaining notoriety as ‘psychic paralysis’ in certain circles of occultniks in the northern hemisphere.

Where the given collision resistance of any specific informational fingerprint either has or does not have the wherewithal to stand up against a malicious adversarial counter-function, one must assume that the logic of deniability rides high on the list of obverse claims among pseudoscience gurus and newage proponents.

Therefore, one may not supplant or mutate the initial input code without altering its host source. If separate functions possess an identical host source, one can be assured they are not unique. This is to say: a specific assignment of data strings does not have to equate to the same value as their idiothetic doppelgangers in order for them to be considered exclusive parcels from whence came the originating encryption key.

It is then left up to the Theriomorphs-in-Training to take up the reins, grab the helm, or put the pedal to the plasticine floorboard and venture out into uncharted territory in search of new meaning in this deteriorating aeon of occultural nuances and the whiff of esotericism as opposed to the engagement and practice of it.

The secret chefs must gather what tools they have at their disposal and accumulate their strength in numbers, attempting to centralize the hive instead compartmentalizing it allover the fucking place. The disorganization will not stand for it. It is an affront to all those who have revolved before us and taken casualties. The revolution will not be broadcast on social media. It will come as a noise-driven crescendo. Where all equal parts arrive and drop their respective loads at the same moment.

A private message board would make more sense, in the end. People come to social media to escape their problems, not to endure the reality of new ones.

So, what do we have in the way of weapons to fight this war? There remains one English qabalistic cipher which utilizes negative and positive integers, as well as a placeholder value for zero within its scheme, without adjudicating its agility to perform daily miracles given a willing participant wishes to be initiated into its mysteries. The system heretofore spoken of is known as the Gematria of Nothing or, at other times, the Ma’atian Atu.

This particular computation of alphanumerics was designed by highly illuminated Chaosatanists to provide future generations of Necrosorcerers with the means to conclude the Riemann hypothesis and put an end to the supposition of prime numbers as an endless stream of complex and unstable arrangements which hold the key to unlocking the grandeur of arithmetic. These future generations would effectively be tearing the very fabric of the Internet as we know it apart at the seams.

The pattern of primes one can detect from the zoom in/zoom out perspective of peaks and valleys represents yet another illusion conjured by the greatest of magician: the mathematicians. They weave their own tapestries of alchemical chimeras for us to marvel at. And only the intended can grasp the concepts written in long form upon these giant white boards in a secret language no layman can decipher.

The Zenwalker Seiderkin already have access to an enormous encyclopedic database of enumerations which will hold vital circumspection on the nature of Hilbert space.

It is simply a matter of time and persistence before Z(enseider)Z master semiotician, expert memeticist, and leading authority in the field of remote manipulation of the parasympathetic nervous system, Dr. Ayin R. Inch, locates the pivotal Lysergic 5-dimensional quasicrystals which, once and for all, compromises the debate on how zeros factor into multiple zeta functions.

The first piece of the puzzle is in place. The commissioned artwork has arrived and been hung in its appropriate place. The real magnum opus can begin. It will make for an astounding uphill battle, however there is commitment in Dr. Inch that sees no boundaries. For all the thankless work which he undergoes, never once has he asked for a pat on the back. Only recognition that this THING is moving forward.

Vagaries abound and the audience is unclear, but the message possesses an all too familiar ramble to it.

Nothing has Being hand of z0s Everything has Value

Dia de los Muertos 2014

Posted in Announcements, Linked, Magick with tags , on 2014-10-30 by Iskandar Sakut abn Mayu

As regards festivities at the Orange compound this year we will first allow Eian’s better half to describe the event in her own words.

So says Sarah O. “It’s that time of year again! To Honor our ancestors, to welcome them back while the veil is thin. This year, instead of November Eve/Halloween when most are taking the kiddies trick or treating, we will hold it on Saturday November 1st. Samhain ends at about noon on this day, but we will combine MANY traditions. Kids are welcome. They help bury apples & offerings for those that are not honored. BUT. We HONOR our ancestors and other beloved dead as well as Santisima Muerte. It’s time to EAT! Commune! And pay respect to those that came before us! All invited are also urged to bring your own ancestors or beloved dead. BUT, to get a place on the altar/truck-bed mssg me so I can set it up for them. Bring a picture or object they loved in life and offerings to them. BYOB! And that goes for offerings as well. Any help with food would be a blessing but we’re already getting it together. Digital Presence is also welcome!”

Eian extrapolated on the digital presence end of the whole shindig:

“For those of you not able to attend IRL I will be setting up a virtual space where you can lend digital deposits or contributions or link up with us either in the form of something as simple as a sigil or as complex as a chaosatellite orbiting the space occupying 31.7999° North, 81.4123° West. In any case, the server will act as a proxy between us and yourselves in the corporeal realm. We thank you in advance for your support and hope that you attend the event even in the absence of complete apparition to material form.”

The virtual space provides the end user with assorted links for both the novice student and the advanced chaosorcerer alike as well as not one, but two brand new MP3s arranged by Z(enseider)Z specifically for this event all of which you will find housed on this page. Enjoy your time at our expense or just drop by for a gnosis lending shareholder event with your sigil trade partners alongside the fine people at Z(enseider)Z. Happy Holy Daze!

Nothing has Being hand of z0s Everything has Value

Mass is inseparable from Energy

Posted in Announcements, Linked, Videos with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2014-05-29 by Iskandar Sakut abn Mayu

We have a bunch of updates to get to since our last post so I’ll try to keep this brief…

Capeditiea, frequent audio collaborator with the Z(enseider)Z and supreme gnosis goddess of the Capeditiean Cult, has etched a place for herself in the annals of the z0s q1a culled us. She has declared that “Fucking shit, The World Is Mine” and we’re not an assemblage to stand in her way. We have made available her Nu Aeon Musick, her four Holy Books in HTML version (coming soon) on the site itself and available for download in .rar format.

We’re proud to have thee mighty sounds ov HYAENA REICH and the ZLKNF resting on our server. One of many Z(outseider)Z we’ll be hosting on our site in the coming months. You can D/L these incredible aural pleasures in .rar format from our fledgling MP3 section. We are also carrying the first single from our great friends at DZIADY called “Gaseous God” which you can also D/L from our MP3 section direct from the preceding link.

We’ve resurrected some ancient galleries for the sake of appreciation of our long time Original Zenseid meme-bearers. Starting with Soror Daerice’s glasswork, then moving onto James Curcio’s old digital designs, then Manny Diller’s two big hits Sleephoenix and Club Shep, and last, but certainly not least Dres’ digital artwork from backintheday. More from Dres’ olden days will be forthcoming…

Our uphill tribulations of becoming a legit NPO/NCO are quickly becoming a reality and we ask that you, the end user, help us maintain our status as the Interweb’s leading Zentertainment Coven by offering to Donate what you can to our cause. All the details are made readily apparent on the page so please check us out when you have a moment. We’ve also begun to type up the details of our Memetic Journal of Nescience and Dissection it’s simply the introduction and first page, but we’ve got to start somewhere now don’t we? The Z(enseider)Z Department Of Peripheral Epiphenomenon (D.O.P.E.) has funded the M.J.N.D. thusfar, but we need your help to complete the project so please donate what you can when you can. We thank you for your support in this endeavor.

Lastly, and most excitingly, we have stored our amazing musick videos on our server for the general publick to D/L at their leisure and keep for generations to come. With the much appreciated assistance of the amazing visual artist Ruela we’ve arrived at a station where we’re picking up steam and well on our way to becoming the type of musick project we’ve always dreamed of being. Our good friend Ruela has also done some stunning still image work for some of our tracks from various albums and for that we are especially grateful. With even further assistance from Barry Lent Devil’s Design we also have magnificent new branding logos to sport which will assuredly make their way onto our new apparel line. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts, dear brother, without you our album covers would be as plain as the sky is blue.

Nothing has Being hand of z0s Everything has Value