Archive for the merchandise Category

You Might Be A Psychedelic Chaosatanist If

Posted in collaboration, Linked, merchandise, writing, Z(enseider)Z proclamations with tags , , , , , , on 2023-07-01 by Iskandar Sakut abn Mayu

Our Soror A. J. Olvera‘s first book

You Might Be A Psychedelic Chaosatanist If…
is now available @
through and for a very generous sale price.

The book very much deals with our treasured Theriomorphic current. A paradigm that a select few of us Original Zees have pioneered which is drawn very specifically from the writings (and lifestyle, for that matter) of our beloved Sifu, who initially coined the phrase “Psychedelic Satanist” in his writings on the Church of Latter-Day Satanists.

But A.J.’s book even surpasses that current to broaden the scope of who else might be on the same tip that we are on, or who also uses the same approach that we use, or who fits into this worldview as well as we imagine ourselves to.

In this contemporary alchemical process of age-dissolution — where generations meld and merge on a shrinking global stage of fashion, music, politics, occulture, and art — a book like You Might Be A Psychedelic Chaosatanist If compels us to “find the Others” In the immortal words of Timothy Leary.

And, as Leary’s some time collaborator Robert Anton Wilson adds: “you should view the world as a conspiracy run by a very closely-knit group of nearly omnipotent people. And, you should think of those people as yourself and your friends.”

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Merchandise Available now

Posted in Announcements, merchandise with tags on 2022-02-06 by Iskandar Sakut abn Mayu

Our most recent line of apparel is out! the great majority of which is printed on Champion gear, so you know it’s high-quality, long-lasting, and durable af.

Visit: and find your indelible treasure. We’re still trying to get the prices down as low as they can go, so don’t let the current prices reflect our final product. Here are some of the designs we have:

Nothing has Being hand of z0s Everything has Value

The Psychedelichaosatanist Current

Posted in Announcements, Chaos, Chemognosis, collaboration, Enchantment, Initiation, Magick, merchandise, Music, Ritual, Satanism, Z(enseider)Z proclamations with tags , on 2019-08-04 by Iskandar Sakut abn Mayu

We at Z(enseider)Z would like to make a historic announcement …

Our sibling, AJ Olvera, has published her first book which very much deals with our beloved Theriomorphic current and we honor her amid our ranks as a pioneer of cultural mutineering and a trendsetter of ontological mercantilism.

To celebrate this splendid occasion, we’ve booked a venue and we’re holding an event in Reno this autumnal equinox September 21st 2019 at the Dead Ringer Analog bar.

This event will encompass and embody our 2019 Z(enseider)Z meat meet. Furthermore, one of the DJs of the evening belongs to the Z(enseider)Z inner circle namely, DJ Jay Eric Burkhart of Overmind Works, who will blow the doors off the joint with utmost certainty. This is not to be missed, folks.

Attend. Dance with us. Buy some gear.  Have a Drink or three. Partake of available sacraments. Sway, seethe, dance some more and leave. Or better yet stay. Then, go home and live your personal sovereignity and continue your fake, American charade of post-postmodern folkmagery in the domestic comforts of your ultrasurveilled privacy .

Nothing has Being hand of z0s Everything has Value


Posted in Announcements, Linked, merchandise, writing, Z(enseider)Z proclamations on 2019-08-04 by Iskandar Sakut abn Mayu

We at Z(enseider)Z would like to make a historic announcement

Our sibling, AJ Olvera, has published her first book which very much deals with our beloved Theriomorphic current and we honor her amid our ranks as a pioneer of cultural engineering.

To celebrate this splendid occasion, we’ve booked a venue and we’re holding an event in Reno this autumnal equinox September 21st 2019 at the Dead Ringer Analog bar

This event will encompass and embody our 2019 Z(enseider)Z meat meet. Furthermore, one of the DJs of the evening belongs to the Z(enseider)Z inner circle.

Attend. Dance with us. Partake of available sacraments. Sway, seethe, and leave. Then, go on and live the personal sovereign and continue your fake, American charade of post-postmodern folkmagery

Nothing has Being hand of z0s Everything has Value

Barry Lent Devil’s Design

Posted in Announcements, Linked, merchandise with tags , on 2014-09-20 by Iskandar Sakut abn Mayu

Our brother on some other, other has just parked his own official domain and got it up and running. We are proud to help him unveil where the causal browser will find not only a prodigious gallery of his artwork and revealing bio of the artist, but also the beginnings of an entire merchandising line.

Some of his featured products include:

  • signed and numbered limited edition prints of original artwork by the man himself
  • a portfolio of the “Women of Armageddon” which profiles friends, acquaintances, and his beautiful wife Nicole that Barry has portrait airbrushed over the span of many, many moons
  • exclusive t-shirts with premiere artwork you will find no where else on the web


Barry is also a tattooist and does his work in NY state. So, if you’re lucky enough in your travels to run across the man, do not turn down the opportunity to get some ink by this up and coming artist. He most certainly represents one of the Blood God’s most treasured acolytes in the trading of OV™ for style.

Our meme-bearer Eian Orange and his fiancé have been avid collectors of Barry’s work for over a year now and they admire their original art and numbered prints on a daily basis. They will tell you how lucky they are to have found an artist willing to work with them on custom pieces for cermonial purposes. These productions are “worth every last mutha fuckin’ penny” says Eian in response to questions about Barry’s work hanging in his compound. “I offer our consigned piece of ritual gear, known as Alchemical Yggdrasil (or the Gate of 9), specific devotions on the regular so that it remains placated and well satiated.

It has ravenous appetites for things which we treasure most.” continues Orange in a casual manner, sipping his coffee slowly.

When approached regarding the one and only custom piece first commissioned by the couple, the soon-to-be Mrs. Orange was quoted as saying “When The Gate of 9 arrived here I had to pull someone in, unfamiliar with the occult and any of its workings, to see if it was just me.

When they were immediately scared to touch it, I knew what I held in my hands was a true masterpiece. Never have I had a tool in our arsenal quite like this one. With the ability to aid in simple tasks such as impromptu sigil charges with ease, and the ability to consecrate the depth of and assist in a symbiotic bond over 900 miles away.

The Gate of 9 was completed on a night of one of my lowest lows. When Eian flew home to NJ for the final time to call it “home” I was in bed crying knowing he was on a flight headed north, when Barry messaged me to tell me the Gate was complete. He sent me a digital image and I knew before it reached my hands in physical form what it was capable of.”

Devil’s Design can be found on Facebook and on LinkedIn and the man can be contacted through Yahweh! mail.

Nothing has Being hand of z0s Everything has Value

New Merchandise

Posted in merchandise on 2012-11-07 by Iskandar Sakut abn Mayu

We have brand new merch available through Reverb

Two different, but equally cool shirts both available in any color you would like just contact us by leaving a comment or direct means via zenseiderz at gmail or through one of our other outlets like

Z .’. Z .’. Rust Star T-shirts and Tanktops available here

Enjoy, kiddies, they make great stocking stuffers 🙂

Nothing has Being hand of z0s Everything has Value

Like Venom In Her Naked Veins

Posted in gematria, Linked, merchandise, Pyromemetics with tags , , on 2012-09-04 by Iskandar Sakut abn Mayu

New apparel from including our stylish pre-shrunk 100% cotton t-shirts And for example, other on demand items are gender-specific T-shirts and tops, graphic tees, TM’d tees, hoodies, sweatshirts, and hats of all sorts, etc.

This endeavor comes out with the auspicious arrival of our latest album Like Venom In Her Naked Veins which is available through our page.

For those of you familiar with our page will be readily familiar with the material on this particular album. It will all have been, but deleted by now.

In other news, Uncle Chuckie may be embarking on one of his most noxious undertakings to date. Of course, details are hard to come by, but it has to do with a large group of idiots being the targets. Hopefully he’s aiming at the RNC, teabaggers, or the Koch brothers.

Nothing has Being hand of z0s Everything has Value

Killswitch Effluvic Reservoir

Posted in Humor, Magick, merchandise, Psionics & Radionics with tags , , , on 2012-05-19 by Iskandar Sakut abn Mayu

We’ve been making some headway in the Chaosorcery department. Working packet in packet with a small research team from around the globe towards the elemental development and alchemical advancement of reverse engineered hand-held wetware devices for use in counter population brainwave manipulation. These puppies rival any improvisation that orgone technologies can muster.

Radionics and Psionics seem to pose the only viable threat to these hand-crafted devices and their sister beta test phase devices.

These and many other hand-crafted materials will be available soon through our brand spankin’ new catalog of ordinary merchandise and metaphysical supplies. Including CDs, apparel, and private personalized protocol keys that allow the would-be chaosorcer limited access to our Killswitch Effluvic Reservoir or K.E.R. for short. It represents a sort of pool of gnosis including both ecstatic (eckstasis) and inhibitory (katalepsis) modes of experiential catharsis.

Once a given individual gains access to the K.E.R. they are allowed to use it both ways like the slut that it is. What I mean is the would-be chaosorcerer can download as much free gnosis as he or she desires just so long as they put it back at a later date; preferably when the would-be chasorcerer’s Will has been sufficiently impressed upon the world surrounding them and their will aligns with their perception.

By the same token, the would-be chaosorcerer may upload gnosis of any manner of potency in order to up the ante a bit and challenge newcomers to advance their skills at achieving original gnostic states. While the would-be chaosorcerer may download a more massive payload at one time for use in more complex requests.

Nothing has Being hand of z0s Everything has Value