Junkie Summer Furlough

2006-JUN-21 : Usually the summer solstice isn’t spent making music, but this year was different. We devoted almost a month to streamlining a record we could be proud of and as the man says “watch out you might get what you’re after” and those words have rung prophetic.

And Junkie Summer Furlough was the result of 4 years of concentrated chemical experimentation, our dealings with the entropic forces behind the Lovecraftian mythos, our lone journeys out into the thick of the wood for no foreseeable reason, the pigs blood consecrations, bonding with squids, and immersion in the cicadas in 1996.

This album represents a masterpiece of ingenuity, and that ain’t just ego-based ass-quacking there, we just happen to genuinely like it a lot. Maybe you’ll think it won’t suck either. If not, fuck you, bitch.

Nothing has Beinghand of z0sEverything has Value

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