A General Announcement in class Z

Z(enseider)Z Node Exchange and Regional Directory of Sponsors (N.E.R.D.S.) have set up a practitioner’s grid composed of our affiliate programs and sigil-trade partners whose unique backgrounds run the gamut from

  • traditional witchcraft to eclectic shamanry
  • spirit catalog-based high magery to afro-diasporic rootwork
  • astrotheocratic geomancing to chaoballistic psychoanutica
  • and far, far beyond

We’ve chosen the geographic locales of each practitioner carefully and weighed our options as far as coordinate-based sigilization and ley line interaction go, and we’ve settled on optimal energy arrays given the proximity to obelisk positioning with regard to our host latency.

Wherever we’ve sought to exploit our memeless human acquisitions for sport or other entertainment purposes, we’ve discovered that the legality of vessel-keeping is a consistently grey area for most law enforcement.

We figured we’d mention that since many of our detractors have a fondness for romanticizing the role that their city’s police play in response to Z(enseider)Z on their local club and underground art circuit.

Where one might witness other gatherings of memetic jester-hoods flat out petitioning their anti-social mania forums, such as Faecesbulk, for the latest occultural minutiae, Z(enseider)Z stands alone as one of few gatherings that hoist their own sails as it were with regard to initiating trends and sensing out the tidetable of whatever magickal currents are presently at play upon the greater contemporary macrophenomenal fieldface.

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